Thursday, January 22, 2015

Many poets seem to enjoy writing about art that they have seen. Just recently, we have read "On Seeing the Elgin Marbles" and "Ode on a Grecian Urn." This, I can completely understand. Art should make you have some sort of reaction, be it good or bad. When it doesn't, there is a sense of emptiness and disappointment. As an art lover and an art therapy major, I have spent a lot of time in museums and galleries and other art-admiring places. I can share with the poets the feeling of wonder they get when looking at art. Creating art is both completely similar and completely different from writing poetry. Both artists and poets are pouring their skills and emotions into something with the hope of instilling a reaction in people. Both are taking a risk, so I think there's a kind of mutual respect that occurs between a poet and an artist. They recognize the talent that goes into creating these works of art and literature, and respect that. That is probably why we see so many English majors go on to be art directors in film, or pursue different creative outlets than writing. They're all connected, and they are all beautiful in their own way.

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